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The Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta has agreed to collaborate with PT System Mekatronik Cipta Jaya Sentosa (SMC) in the fields of alumni recruitment, lecturer training, establishment of a Training Center, student competency testing, and product marketing. This collaboration was marked by visits and coordination meetings for representatives of PT SMC which consisted of the Training Center Manager, Ignatius Mardiko Adi. P. and Marketing staff, Aditya and Training Center Staff, Hiskiawan on Wednesday (21/1/2015) in the KPLT Transit Room, UNY. The last two names, Aditya and Hiskiawan are also alumni of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, UNY.
In this meeting, the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, was represented directly by the Head of the Department, K. Ima Ismara, M.Pd., M.Kes. (In), accompanied by the Head of Electrical Engineering Education Study Program, Moh. Khoirudin, Ph.D., Head of Mechatronics Engineering Education Study Program, Herlambang Sigit Purnomo, M.Cs., and Head of Electrical Engineering Study Program, Rustam Asnawi, Ph.D., to discuss the realization of the cooperation agenda between the two parties.
PT System Mekatronik Cipta Jaya Sentosa itself is the SMC® Training Center in Indonesia which has a core business as a training company. This company is part of PT Sinar Mutiara Cemerlang, which is the main distributor of pneumatic tools under the SMC® brand in Indonesia. This company also offers training services with international standards in the field of industrial automation systems.
The SMC Training Center Manager said that his party was very happy with the realization of the collaboration plan with the Faculty of Engineering, UNY, especially the Electrical Engineering Education Department. "We really need collaboration with academia, especially as an effort to build and develop our Human Resources," he said.
"Through this collaboration, we will focus on didactics and in the near future on recruitment. Currently I also bring two alumni from here (UNY) who have proven to be able to show performance according to our company standards," he added.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, UNY, said that a series of cooperation agendas that had been designed would soon be formulated in certain schedules so that they could run effectively and efficiently.
"This is a long-term collaboration with various collaboration packages in it. We can do formal legality such as an MoU or a memorandum of understanding while the cooperation programs are running. For us, the most important thing is that the synergy between industry and academia can continue to be fostered so that it provides positive benefits for both parties, "he concluded. (haryo)
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