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Faculty of Engineering UNY collaborates with PT SMC to develop TUK Mechatronics

Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) in collaboration with PT. PT. System Mekatronik Cipta Jaya Sentosa (SMC) by opening a Mechatronics Competency Training Center (Tempat Uji Kompetensi/TUK Mechatronics) (01/06). This collaboration was marked by the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UNY, Dr. Moch. Bruri Triyono with the Director of PT. SMC, Daud Sekarmadidjaja, continued with the official opening and review of the Mechatronics TUK laboratory at Faculty of Engineering UNY.
Daud Sekarmadidjaja in his speech admitted that he was very happy to be able to collaborate with Faculty of Engineering UNY as a commitment to contribute to the nation's education. "Faculty of Engineering UNY is an educator-producing institution, one of which is in accordance with our field, namely Mechatronics, so of course this is a very good collaboration," said Daud. "The practical facilities here (Faculty of Engineering UNY) are very adequate, but improvement is clearly needed, so we are here to help with the improvement," he added.
"With the formation of the TUK Mechatronics lab, it is clear that we all hope to increase the potential and capabilities of human resources, be it students, vocational school students or other communities before they enter the industrial world," added the Director of PT. SMC. "With good skills, I am sure that in the MEA era, it is not us who are" invaded "but our nation will" invade "other countries," he concluded.
Meanwhile Dr. Moch. Bruri Triyono stated that an automation system is clearly needed for all branches of vocational science. "Not only electro or mechatronics but automotive, machinery, civilian and even clothing catering also really need the ability of an automation system in their production process," explained the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UNY.
"The TUK Mechatronics Lab will be a forum for all components to learn and explore the field of automation systems and I hope the learning process here will continue to be oriented towards product development," said Dr. Bruri Triyono.
On another occasion, the Head of the Department of Electrical Engineering Education, Totok Heru Tri Maryadi, M.Pd., stated that the cooperation package after the opening of this lab included Training of Trainers for lecturers and technicians of Faculty of Engineering UNY in Jakarta and upgrading of several existing practical tools in the electrical department. UNY. (haryo)
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